When considering Student Loan Assistance as a new benefits offering, employers commonly ask about program setup time. It’s important to understand the legwork required to get things off the ground.
When it comes to Peanut Butter programs, the quickness surrounding implementation typically comes as a pleasant surprise for employers. In just an hours’ time, companies can be left a few mouseclicks away from sending invites to their team. During this hour, the primary administrator will spend 15-minutes providing details like basic company data, reviewing our terms, defining program specifics, uploading benefit funding details, and employee eligibility. This is followed by a 45-minute call with group’s assigned Customer Success Manager to cover everything uploaded, our communications toolkit, plan info, employee info, and ongoing administration.
Ease of set-up has consistently remained one of the stand out features highlighted about our programs through verified reviews on G2. To get started with implementation for your Peanut Butter program today, visit our pick-a-plan page and select ‘Get Started’ @ www.getpeanutbutter.com/pricing.